love you to the moon blanket

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Yarn Recommendation

For this blanket I used an acrylic washable yarn from Etsy.  Here are 4 excellent choices:Acrylic Yarn for Baby Blankets - EtsyNeedles

I prefer to use the Options Interchangeable Majestic Circular Knitting Needle Set from Knitpicks.  The joins are smooth and the wood feels so good in my hands.

For this project I used a size 10 needle with a 32″ cord for a gauge of 3.5 stitches per 4″.

Knitpicks Circular Needle Set


Bottom Border

Cast on 80 Stitches. Knit 8 rows

Section A:

Row 1 (RS): Knit
Row 2 (WS): Knit 6, purl 8, [*k4, p8 five times], k6

Repeat rows 1 and 2 five more times for a total of 12 rows. Knit 6 rows
Repeat Section A

Section B: Moon and Stars

For odd rows (right side), knit white squares and purl purple squares
All wrong side rows on the chart are purled

To begin:

Odd Rows (RS): Knit 18, follow chart, knit 18 Even Rows (WS): Knit 18, purl 44, knit 18


Written Directions for Moon and Star chart

Follow chart until completed

Section C

Knit 6 rows

P2, K29

Row 1: Knit
Row 2: Knit 6, purl 8, [*k4, p8 five times], k6

Repeat rows 1 and 2 five more times for a total of 12 rows. Repeat this section.

Outside Top Border:

Knit 8 rows and BO with a stretchy bind off. Weave in ends.

Voila! A beautiful blanket to give to that special baby in your life!